Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Sonic Scholar's Circle

Alias, The Tesla Fan Club!!! They helped to produce audio for this blog this summer!

Tesla Unplugged

Everything you ever wanted to know about Tesla unplugged at the 21st Century Bookstore - This month's feature is the monograph: Tesla: The True Wireless by George Trinkaus, editor. Other books, articles, and interviews on Tesla available at: http://www.tfcbooks.com/mall/wireless.htm

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Tesla Meets Willy Wonka

Extremely Rare photos (retouched with color for effect)...Rare sound - electromagnetic radio waves were recently captured digitally - It's the historical meeting between Tesla and Willy Wonka - just before the fire at Tesla's Wardenclyffe plant.

Listen to this rare audio of factory sounds from their experiments in the production of electromagnetic sonic candy.

Our Field Trip to Wardenclyffe

Photo 1: Currents of Power. Photos 2 & 3: E Power Generators. Needless to say, our field trip radiated with lights and sounds from Tesla's industrial plant....

Neighbors Fired Up About Tesla's Experiments!

Neighbors reported Tuesday night that they will not tolerate nightly fireworks from Tesla's plant headquarters in Long Island. Listen closely for a brief recording of Nikola commenting to an unidentified worker about the sparks emitting from several misfires within his generators.